The Junior 470 Worlds Championships Bourgas Bulgaria - Press release 21st
[2007-07-21 22:53:12 Dave Minnis-Bell] | :11077

The Junior 470 Worlds Championships Bourgas Bulgaria

HOT, HOT, HOT. With the first day of measurement well under way, The European summer is serving up more than ample amounts of summer heat. The Bulgarian Sailing Federation has worked incredibly, since winning the bid to host the 470 Junior World Championships. Due to a re-development in Port Bourgas. The club rooms were demolished earlier this year and a new site had to be made available. In only three months The Yacht Club Port Bourgas has not only made the relocation happen, but also the rebuild of a completely new club house. The Yacht Club Port Bourgas has been the major force behind Bulgarian sailing for well over 30 years.

The Junior 470 World Champs is a combined regatta with both male and female competitors competing side by side. Today at the start of registration we have 89 entries from 21 countries. A lot of fresh young faces, eager to prove themselves in this hotly contested olympic class. The age limit for the Juniors is quite strict. You have to younger than 22 years old on the December 31 2007. Coupled with the fact that some of the competitors were seen in the recent Cascais worlds,This should be an amazing regatta. With the weather conditions being nearly too hot, we have been graced with a beautiful 10 to 14 knots of breeze everyday so far, which makes the event site a lot comfortable. And will make racing very exciting.

The Bulgarians know that this is a great privilege to host such a high ranking event. The Major Sponsor of the Junior Worlds is The Unicredit BulBank. Also the full backing from a host of Bulgarian Government organizations can warmly be felt. Only this morning the Bulgarian Post office Issued a commemorative stamp of the event, accompanied by a first day official envelope. There have only been 20,000 of these stamps printed and run. The first 300 stamps have been specifically set aside, to be presented to every competitor, to remember their time in Bourgas.

The Opening ceremony will be held tomorrow. A parade at 20:00 hours through the main pedestrian mall of Bourgas followed by the Official ceremony. Banners and Posters line the streets absolutely everywhere, so a large crowd of spectators are expected.

The first races of the qualification rounds start at 12:00 hours on the 23rd of July, Also check out the up and coming photo pages and video Links.


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